Dental Implants

Do you have a missing or failing tooth and would like it replaced with a fixed, long lasting and predictable solution? If you have answered yes, then you may be ideally suited for dental implants which are the closest thing to natural teeth. Research shows that the biting and chewing efficiency of teeth retained with dental implants can greatly improve quality of life. A single tooth dental implant can also replace a missing tooth without altering adjacent healthy teeth. Our award winning team are considered one of the best dentists for dental implants in London and across the UK.

Dental Implants

Do you have a missing or failing tooth and would like it replaced with a fixed, long lasting and predictable solution? If you have answered yes, then you may be ideally suited for dental implants which are the closest thing to natural teeth. Research shows that the biting and chewing efficiency of teeth retained with dental implants can greatly improve quality of life. A single tooth dental implant can also replace a missing tooth without altering adjacent healthy teeth. Our award winning team are considered one of the best dentists for dental implants in London and across the UK.

Dental Implants

Do you have a missing or failing tooth and would like it replaced with a fixed, long lasting and predictable solution? If you have answered yes, then you may be ideally suited for dental implants which are the closest thing to natural teeth. Research shows that the biting and chewing efficiency of teeth retained with dental implants can greatly improve quality of life. A single tooth dental implant can also replace a missing tooth without altering adjacent healthy teeth. Our award winning team are considered one of the best dentists for dental implants in London and across the UK.

Dental Implants

Do you have a missing or failing tooth and would like it replaced with a fixed, long lasting and predictable solution? If you have answered yes, then you may be ideally suited for dental implants which are the closest thing to natural teeth. Research shows that the biting and chewing efficiency of teeth retained with dental implants can greatly improve quality of life. A single tooth dental implant can also replace a missing tooth without altering adjacent healthy teeth. Our award winning team are considered one of the best dentists for dental implants in London and across the UK.

Dental Implants

Do you have a missing or failing tooth and would like it replaced with a fixed, long lasting and predictable solution? If you have answered yes, then you may be ideally suited for dental implants which are the closest thing to natural teeth. Research shows that the biting and chewing efficiency of teeth retained with dental implants can greatly improve quality of life. A single tooth dental implant can also replace a missing tooth without altering adjacent healthy teeth. Our award winning team are considered one of the best dentists for dental implants in London and across the UK.

Dental implants, the most natural way of replacing a missing tooth.

Dental Implants

Do you have a missing or failing tooth and would like it replaced with a fixed, long lasting and predictable solution? If you have answered yes, then you may be ideally suited for dental implants which are the closest thing to natural teeth. Research shows that the biting and chewing efficiency of teeth retained with dental implants can greatly improve quality of life. A single tooth dental implant can also replace a missing tooth without altering adjacent healthy teeth. Our award winning team are considered one of the best dentists for dental implants in London and across the UK.

Do you have a missing or failing tooth and would like it replaced with a fixed, long lasting and predictable solution? If you have answered yes, then you may be ideally suited for dental implants which are the closest thing to natural teeth. Research shows that the biting and chewing efficiency of teeth retained with dental implants can greatly improve quality of life. A single tooth dental implant can also replace a missing tooth without altering adjacent healthy teeth. Our award winning team are considered one of the best dentists for dental implants in London and across the UK.

Prices from £

Dental implants, the most natural way of replacing a missing tooth.

Dental Implants

Do you have a missing or failing tooth and would like it replaced with a fixed, long lasting and predictable solution? If you have answered yes, then you may be ideally suited for dental implants which are the closest thing to natural teeth. Research shows that the biting and chewing efficiency of teeth retained with dental implants can greatly improve quality of life. A single tooth dental implant can also replace a missing tooth without altering adjacent healthy teeth. Our award winning team are considered one of the best dentists for dental implants in London and across the UK.
From £

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Dental Implants
The facts

Dental Implants - How do they work?

The facts about Dental Implants

Introduction to Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone to support replacement teeth or dental prostheses, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. They are designed to mimic the function and appearance of natural teeth and provide a long-term solution for replacing missing teeth.

Here's how dental implants typically work:

Implant Fixture: The dental implant itself is a small, titanium post that is surgically inserted into the jawbone beneath the gumline. Titanium is commonly used for dental implants because it is biocompatible and capable of fusing with the surrounding bone in a process called osseointegration.

Abutment: After a period of healing, during which osseointegration occurs and the implant fuses with the jawbone, a connector piece called an abutment is attached to the implant. The abutment protrudes above the gumline and serves as the attachment point for the replacement tooth or dental prosthesis.

Replacement Tooth or Prosthesis: Once the abutment is in place, a custom-made replacement tooth, such as a crown, bridge, or denture, is securely attached to the abutment. The replacement tooth or prosthesis is designed to match the color, shape, and size of the surrounding natural teeth, resulting in a natural-looking smile.

Dental implants offer several advantages compared to other tooth replacement options, including:

Stability and Functionality: Dental implants provide a stable and secure foundation for replacement teeth, allowing for improved chewing efficiency, speech clarity, and overall oral function.

Durability: With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last for many years or even a lifetime, making them a long-term solution for tooth replacement.

Preservation of Jawbone: Dental implants help preserve the jawbone by stimulating bone growth and preventing bone loss, which can occur following tooth loss.

Aesthetics: Dental implants closely resemble natural teeth in both appearance and function, resulting in a natural-looking smile.

Dental implants can be used to replace single missing teeth, multiple missing teeth, or even an entire arch of teeth, depending on the patient's needs and circumstances. They are considered one of the most effective and reliable options for restoring oral health and function in individuals with missing teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

The benefits of dental implants are numerous, offering patients a reliable and long-term solution for replacing missing teeth. Here are some key advantages of dental implants:

Natural Look and Feel: Dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Improved Oral Health: Unlike traditional bridges, dental implants do not require adjacent teeth to be altered or compromised, preserving the integrity of surrounding teeth. This helps maintain overall oral health.

Durability: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, offering a permanent and reliable solution for tooth replacement.

Enhanced Chewing Function: Dental implants restore the full function of natural teeth, allowing for improved chewing ability and dietary freedom. Patients can enjoy their favorite foods without restrictions.

Bone Preservation: Dental implants stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss, preserving jawbone structure and facial aesthetics. This helps maintain a youthful facial appearance.

Comfort and Stability: Dental implants are securely anchored in the jawbone, eliminating the discomfort and instability often associated with removable dentures. Patients can speak, eat, and smile with confidence.

Improved Speech: Dental implants provide stable support for replacement teeth, allowing for clearer speech and pronunciation. Patients can communicate with ease and confidence.

No Dietary Restrictions: Unlike removable dentures, which may require dietary restrictions to prevent damage, dental implants allow patients to enjoy a varied diet without limitations.

Preservation of Facial Structure: By preventing bone loss and preserving jawbone structure, dental implants help maintain the natural contours of the face and prevent sagging or sunken facial appearance.

Enhanced Quality of Life: With dental implants, patients regain the ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence, improving their overall quality of life and self-esteem.

Overall, dental implants offer numerous benefits for patients seeking a permanent and effective solution for missing teeth. By restoring oral function, aesthetics, and confidence, dental implants allow for a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle for years to come.

Process for Dental Implant Treatment

The process for having dental implant treatment typically involves several stages, including initial consultation, treatment planning, implant placement surgery, osseointegration, and restoration. Here's a step-by-step overview of the dental implant treatment process:

Initial Consultation: The process begins with an initial consultation with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon who specializes in dental implant treatment. During the consultation, the dentist will evaluate your oral health, medical history, and treatment goals to determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants. Diagnostic tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or dental impressions may be taken to assess bone density and plan treatment.

Treatment Planning: Based on the findings from the initial consultation and diagnostic tests, a personalized treatment plan will be developed to address your specific needs and goals. The treatment plan may include the number and location of implants needed, any additional procedures such as bone grafting or sinus lift surgery, and the type of restoration (crown, bridge, or denture) to be attached to the implants.

Implant Placement Surgery: The next step is the surgical placement of the dental implants into the jawbone. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, and sedation may be used to ensure patient comfort. The dentist or oral surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue to access the jawbone and carefully place the implants in the designated positions. After implant placement, the gums are sutured closed, and temporary restorations may be placed over the implants to protect them during the healing process.

Osseointegration: Over the following weeks to months, the implants will undergo a process called osseointegration, during which they fuse with the surrounding bone. This integration process is essential for implant stability and success. During this time, patients may wear temporary restorations or follow a soft diet to avoid putting excessive pressure on the implants.

Healing and Follow-Up: Patients will have regular follow-up appointments with their dentist or oral surgeon to monitor the healing progress and ensure that osseointegration is occurring as expected. X-rays or other imaging studies may be taken to evaluate implant stability and bone healing. Patients will be advised to maintain good oral hygiene and follow any post-operative instructions provided by their dental team.

Restoration: Once osseointegration is complete and the implants are stable, the final restorations (crowns, bridges, or dentures) will be custom-made and attached to the implants. The restorations are designed to match the color, shape, and size of natural teeth, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Maintenance and Follow-Up: After the final restorations are placed, patients will continue to have regular dental check-ups and maintenance visits to ensure the long-term success of their implants. Routine oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings, are essential for preserving implant health and preventing complications.

Overall, the dental implant treatment process requires careful planning, precise surgical technique, and ongoing patient cooperation to achieve optimal outcomes. By following the guidance of your dentist and maintaining good oral hygiene habits, patients can enjoy the benefits of dental implants for many years to come.

Typical procedures

There are two main procedures associated with Inman aligner treatment which allow us to be able to give you the beautiful smile that you deserve. One of them is the use of attachment technology and the other is known as IPR. More details of each are given below:

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Before & After

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What our patients ask about Dental Implants

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What are the advantages of a dental implant?

Improved Oral Health: Dental implants help maintain oral health by preventing bone loss and preserving adjacent teeth.

Natural Look and Feel: Dental implants provide a natural-looking and feeling solution for replacing missing teeth, enhancing your smile and confidence.

Enhanced Chewing Function: With the stability of dental implants, you can enjoy improved chewing function and eat your favorite foods without restrictions.

Long-Term Durability: Dental implants are a long-term solution for tooth replacement, offering durability and reliability that can last a lifetime with proper care.

Preservation of Jawbone: By stimulating bone growth, dental implants help preserve the jawbone structure and prevent deterioration over time.

Comfort and Convenience: Unlike removable dentures, dental implants are fixed in place, offering comfort, stability, and convenience in daily activities.

Improved Speech: Dental implants provide a secure foundation for replacement teeth, allowing for clearer speech and pronunciation.

No Impact on Adjacent Teeth: Dental implants do not require altering adjacent teeth, preserving their natural structure and integrity.

Versatility: Dental implants can replace single teeth, multiple teeth, or even an entire arch, providing versatile solutions for various dental needs.

Enhanced Quality of Life: With dental implants, you'll enjoy improved oral function, restored confidence, and a better overall quality of life.

Read our article - The advantages and disadvantages of dental implants for more information.

What are the disadvantages of a dental implant?

While dental implants offer numerous advantages, there are also some potential disadvantages and considerations to be aware of:

Surgical Procedure: Dental implant placement involves oral surgery, which carries inherent risks such as infection, nerve damage, and bleeding. Patients with certain medical conditions or compromised immune systems may have an increased risk of complications.

Time and Healing: The process of osseointegration, during which the implant fuses with the jawbone, can take several months to complete. Patients may need to wait for the implant to fully integrate before receiving the final restoration, requiring patience and commitment to the treatment process.

Cost: Dental implant cost in the UK is higher than some countries and can be more expensive than alternative tooth replacement options such as bridges or dentures. While they offer long-term benefits and durability, the initial cost may be prohibitive for some patients.

Bone Density and Volume: Adequate bone density and volume are essential for successful implant placement. Patients with insufficient bone may require additional procedures such as bone grafting to augment the jawbone, increasing treatment complexity and cost.

Implant Failure: While uncommon, dental implant failure can occur due to factors such as poor osseointegration, infection, or peri-implantitis (inflammation around the implant). Implant failure may require implant removal and revision surgery, adding to the overall treatment burden and cost.

Maintenance Requirements: While dental implants are durable and resistant to decay, they still require regular oral hygiene maintenance, including brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups. Neglecting proper oral care can increase the risk of complications such as peri-implantitis and implant failure.

Not Suitable for Everyone: Certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune disorders, may affect the success of dental implant treatment. Smokers may also have a higher risk of implant failure and complications due to impaired healing.

Sinus and Nerve Interference: Implants placed in the upper jaw may protrude into the sinus cavity, requiring careful assessment and potential sinus lift surgery. Implants placed near nerves in the lower jaw carry a risk of nerve damage, which can result in numbness or tingling in the chin, lips, or tongue.

Read our article - The advantages and disadvantages of dental implants for more information.

How long do dental implants last?

The longevity of dental implants can vary depending on several factors, including individual oral health, maintenance habits, and lifestyle factors. However, with proper care and maintenance, dental implants have the potential to last for many years or even a lifetime.

Here are some key factors that can influence the lifespan of dental implants:

Bone Integration: Successful osseointegration, the process by which the implant fuses with the jawbone, is crucial for the stability and longevity of dental implants. Implants that integrate well with the bone are more likely to have long-term success.

Oral Hygiene: Good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups, are essential for maintaining the health of dental implants and surrounding tissues. Proper oral care helps prevent peri-implantitis (inflammation around the implant) and other complications that can affect implant longevity.

Overall Health: Systemic health factors such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and smoking can affect the success of dental implant treatment. Patients with well-controlled medical conditions and healthy lifestyle habits may have better outcomes and longer-lasting implants.

Implant Quality: The quality of the implant materials, design, and fabrication can influence the longevity of dental implants. High-quality implants made from biocompatible materials such as titanium are more durable and resistant to corrosion over time.

Maintenance: Regular dental check-ups and maintenance visits are important for monitoring the health and stability of dental implants. Your dentist or oral surgeon may recommend periodic assessments and professional cleanings to ensure the long-term success of your implants.

Implant Loading: Implants that are subjected to excessive forces, such as teeth grinding (bruxism) or chewing on hard objects, may be at higher risk of complications or failure. Avoiding habits that put undue stress on the implants can help prolong their lifespan.

While dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution for tooth replacement, they are not indestructible, and complications can occur over time. Some factors, such as natural wear and tear, changes in oral anatomy, or trauma, may necessitate implant maintenance, repair, or replacement over the years. Overall, the lifespan of dental implants can vary from patient to patient, studies show patients that maintain good levels of oral hygiene can achieve 10 year success rates of 90% and 80% after 20 year. With proper care and attention, dental implants can provide durable and reliable tooth replacement for many years, offering improved oral function, aesthetics, and quality of life.

Can you get dental implants on the NHS?

In the UK, dental implants are available on the NHS (National Health Service) in certain circumstances, but the criteria for eligibility are typically strict. Generally, the NHS provides dental treatment that is clinically necessary to maintain good oral health rather than for cosmetic purposes. As a result, dental implants on the NHS are usually reserved for cases where there is a clinical need, such as:

  1. Severe bone loss in the jaw, which affects the stability of dentures or causes difficulty with chewing and speaking.
  2. Patients with congenital conditions or trauma that have led to missing teeth and significant functional impairment.
  3. Specific medical conditions or treatments (such as head and neck cancer treatment) that necessitate dental implants for functional rehabilitation.

The decision to provide dental implants on the NHS is made on a case-by-case basis following assessment by a dentist or specialist. At Zental, we do not offer NHS services but would be happy to discuss private treatment, which provides more options in terms of materials used, treatment timing, and aesthetics. However, private treatment typically involves higher costs compared to NHS treatment.

How much do dental Implants cost?

The cost of dental implants can vary widely depending on various factors, including the complexity of the case, the materials used, the expertise of the dentist or oral surgeon, and any additional procedures required. In general, the total cost of a single dental implant procedure can range from £1,500 to £3,000 or more per implant in the UK.

Listed are the items to consider relating to dental implant treatment:

  1. Implant Fixture: This is the titanium post that is surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as a replacement for the tooth root.
  2. Abutment: The abutment is the connector piece that attaches to the implant fixture and supports the dental crown or prosthetic tooth.
  3. Dental Crown or Prosthetic Tooth: The cost of the dental crown or prosthetic tooth that is attached to the implant abutment can vary depending on the material used (e.g., porcelain, ceramic, metal), the complexity of the restoration, and whether it is custom-made.
  4. Consultation and Imaging: Initial consultations, diagnostic tests (such as X-rays or CT scans), and treatment planning.
  5. Additional Procedures: In some cases, additional procedures may be required before or during implant placement, such as bone grafting, sinus lifts, extractions or/and comfort sedation. The cost of these procedures will depend on their complexity and the materials used.
  6. Follow-up Care: Post-operative visits, maintenance, and any necessary adjustments or repairs to the implant restoration may also incur additional costs.

At Zental, we provide all patients with a bespoke treatment plan following an initial consultation. If you have dental insurance, check to see if dental implants are covered under your plan, as this may help offset some of the costs.

Visit our fees and finance page to see our dental implant fees, as well as explore our finance options.

What finance options are available to spread the cost?

We have relationships with several finance providers and would be happy to assist you with your finance application. We offer 0% finance packages subject to terms and conditions. Typically our terms are between 12-60 months. Please contact us to speak to one of our treatment co-ordinators, who would be more than happy to go through all the options with you.

Visit our finance page to calculate if finance is an affordable solution for you.

How to find the best dental implant dentist?

Finding the best dental implant dentist requires careful consideration and research. Here are some steps you can take to find a qualified and experienced dental implant dentist:

  1. Ask for Recommendations: Start by asking friends, family members, or colleagues for recommendations. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights into the quality of care and patient experiences.
  2. Check Credentials and Experience: Look for a dentist who is registered with the General Dental Council (GDC) and has extensive experience in dental implant placement. Check their credentials, training, and certifications to ensure they have the necessary expertise.
  3. Read Reviews and Testimonials: Read online reviews and testimonials from previous patients to gauge their satisfaction with the services of the practice. Websites such as Google, Yell or Workingfeedback can provide helpful information about the dentist's reputation and patient experiences.
  4. Schedule Consultations: Schedule a consultation with the best dental implant dentist you can find, to discuss your treatment options and ask any questions you may have. During the consultation, pay attention to the dentist's communication style, professionalism, and willingness to address your concerns.
  5. Ask About Technology and Techniques: Inquire about the technology and techniques used by the dentist for dental implant placement. Look for a dentist who utilises advanced technology such as 3D imaging, guided implant surgery, and minimally invasive techniques for optimal results.
  6. Consider Specialization: Some dentists specialise exclusively in dental implantology and have advanced training and experience in implant placement. Consider seeking out a dentist who specialises in dental implants for comprehensive care and expertise.
  7. Evaluate the Dental Practice: Visit the dental practice to assess the cleanliness, organisation, and overall ambiance. A modern and well-equipped dental practice may indicate a commitment to providing high-quality care and patient comfort.
  8. Ask About Financing Options: Inquire about the cost of dental implant treatment and any available financing options or payment plans. A reputable dentist should be transparent about pricing and willing to work with you to find a payment solution that fits your budget.
  9. Trust Your Instinct: Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose a dental implant dentist whom you feel comfortable with and confident in. Building a trusting relationship with your dentist is essential for a positive treatment experience and successful outcomes.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can find the best dental implant dentist to meet your needs and provide you with exceptional care.

How painful is getting dental implants?

The level of pain experienced during the dental implant procedure can vary from person to person and depends on several factors, including individual pain tolerance, the complexity of the procedure, and the use of sedation. However, many patients report minimal discomfort during the implant placement process.

Here's a breakdown of what to expect in terms of pain during different stages of the dental implant procedure:

During Implant Placement: The surgical placement of the dental implant involves making an incision in the gum tissue and drilling into the jawbone to insert the implant fixture. While this may sound intimidating, most patients experience little to no pain during the procedure due to the use of local anesthesia to numb the surgical area. At Zental, we offer comfort sedation options to help patients feel more relaxed and comfortable during the procedure.

Post-Operative Discomfort: After the implant placement, it's common to experience some degree of discomfort, swelling, and minor bleeding in the days following the procedure. Your dentist or oral surgeon will typically prescribe pain medications to manage any discomfort. Applying ice packs to the outside of the face can also help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort.

Healing Phase: As the implant integrates with the jawbone (a process called osseointegration), some patients may experience mild soreness or discomfort in the surrounding gum tissue. This discomfort is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain medications and tends to diminish as the healing process progresses.

Overall, while some discomfort is normal during and after the dental implant procedure, it is typically manageable with appropriate pain management techniques and subsides relatively quickly. If you have concerns about pain or discomfort associated with dental implant surgery, be sure to discuss them with your dentist or oral surgeon. They can provide personalised recommendations and address any questions or anxieties you may have about the procedure.

What is the failure rate of dental implants?

The failure rate of dental implants are low, with success rates ranging from 90% to over 95% in various studies within 10 years and 80% within 20 years. The rate of failure is unique to each patient, meticulous surgical techniques, and adherence to post-operative care guidelines contribute to the success of dental implant treatment. While complications such as implant failure, infection, or peri-implantitis can occur, they are relatively uncommon and can often be managed with appropriate intervention. With careful planning and regular follow-up, dental implants offer a reliable and effective solution for restoring missing teeth and improving oral health.

At Zental, we are a leading UK dental implant dentist and are proud to have very high success rates!

Why would a dental implant fail?

Dental implant failure can occur due to various factors, including:

Poor Osseointegration: Insufficient integration of the implant with the surrounding bone (osseointegration) can lead to implant instability and failure. Factors such as inadequate bone density or quality, surgical trauma, or infection can impair osseointegration.

Infection: Peri-implantitis, an inflammatory condition affecting the tissues surrounding the implant, can occur due to bacterial infection. Poor oral hygiene, plaque accumulation, or pre-existing periodontal disease increase the risk of peri-implantitis and implant failure.

Smoking: Smoking impairs healing and reduces blood flow to the gums and jawbone, increasing the risk of implant failure. Smokers have a higher incidence of peri-implantitis, bone loss, and implant complications compared to non-smokers.

Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or uncontrolled systemic diseases can compromise healing and increase the risk of implant failure. Patients with medical conditions that affect bone metabolism or immune function may have a higher risk of implant-related complications.

Poor Surgical Technique: Improper implant placement, inadequate bone preparation, or surgical errors can compromise the stability and success of dental implants. Meticulous surgical technique and proper case selection are essential for achieving optimal outcomes.

Trauma: Physical trauma or excessive forces applied to the implant, such as teeth grinding (bruxism) or biting on hard objects, can lead to implant failure or mechanical complications. Occlusal adjustments or nightguards may be recommended to protect implants from excessive stress.

Implant Overloading: Excessive forces or premature loading of the implant before osseointegration is complete can lead to implant failure. Proper healing and integration are necessary to ensure the long-term stability and success of dental implants.

Poor Oral Hygiene: Inadequate oral hygiene practices, including infrequent brushing, flossing, or neglecting professional cleanings, can result in plaque accumulation, gum inflammation, and peri-implantitis. Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for preventing implant-related complications and preserving implant health.

Allergic Reactions: Rarely, patients may experience allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to implant materials such as titanium or components of the implant system. Proper allergy testing and selection of biocompatible materials are necessary to minimise the risk of implant-related reactions.

Systemic Factors: Age, hormonal changes, medication use, and genetic predisposition can influence implant success and healing. Individual patient factors should be carefully assessed and considered when planning implant treatment.

Overall, while dental implants have high success rates, the risk of complications and failure exists. Proper patient selection, meticulous treatment planning, and adherence to post-operative care guidelines are essential for minimising the risk of implant failure and maximising long-term implant success. Regular dental check-ups and maintenance visits are also critical for monitoring implant health and detecting potential issues early.

Can a failed dental implant be replaced?

Yes, failed dental implants can often be replaced with new implants, offering patients a second chance at restoring their smiles and oral function. The process of replacing a failed dental implant involves careful evaluation, surgical removal if necessary, and placement of a new dental implant in the same location. By addressing the underlying reasons for the initial implant failure and utilising advanced techniques such as bone grafting, dentists can help patients achieve successful outcomes with replacement implants. With proper care and maintenance, replacement dental implants can provide durable and reliable tooth replacement, enhancing both oral health and quality of life.

How long after dental implants can i eat normally?

After dental implant surgery, it's essential to follow your dentist or oral surgeon's instructions for post-operative care to ensure proper healing and successful osseointegration (fusion of the implant with the jawbone). Generally, the timeline for returning to a normal diet can vary depending on individual healing and the specific instructions provided by your dental professional. However, here's some general guidance:

Immediate Post-Operative Period: In the immediate aftermath of dental implant surgery, your dentist or oral surgeon may recommend a soft or liquid diet to allow the surgical site to heal without disruption. This typically lasts for the first few days to a week following surgery.

Gradual Transition: As healing progresses and any swelling or discomfort subsides, you can gradually reintroduce firmer or chewier foods into your diet. Start with soft foods that require minimal chewing, such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, smoothies, and soups.

Avoid Hard or Crunchy Foods: During the initial healing period, it's essential to avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that could put excessive pressure on the implant site or dislodge the surgical site. Examples include nuts, seeds, hard candies, and tough meats.

Follow-up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your dental professional, who will monitor your healing progress and provide guidance on when it's safe to resume a normal diet. They may also recommend dietary modifications based on your individual healing timeline.

Maintain Oral Hygiene: Throughout the healing process, maintain excellent oral hygiene by gently brushing and rinsing as directed by your dentist. Proper oral care helps prevent infection and promotes healing around the implant site.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any discomfort or sensitivity when eating, and avoid foods that cause pain or irritation around the implant site. If you experience any unusual symptoms or concerns, contact your dental professional for guidance.

Remember, the healing timeline can vary from person to person, so it's essential to follow your dentist's recommendations and listen to your body's cues during the recovery process. By following post-operative instructions and gradually reintroducing foods into your diet, you can typically resume normal eating habits within a few weeks to a couple of months after dental implant surgery.

I am worried about having surgery, what are my options?

At Zental, your comfort is our main priority. We offer several comfort treatments to make your surgical procedure more comfortable. Our surgeons will discuss the most suitable comfort treatment options for your procedure. We have some fo the leading sedation specialists in the UK and specialise in the most complex of cases.

Who is not suitable for dental implants?

While dental implants are a highly effective solution for many patients with missing teeth, there are certain individuals who may not be suitable candidates for dental implant treatment. Factors that may affect a patient's suitability for dental implants include:

Insufficient Bone Density: Adequate bone volume and density are necessary to support the dental implants. Patients with significant bone loss in the jawbone may require bone grafting procedures to augment the bone before implant placement.

Untreated Periodontal Disease: Periodontal (gum) disease can compromise the health of the gums and surrounding tissues, increasing the risk of implant failure. Patients with active periodontal disease may need to undergo periodontal treatment and achieve stable periodontal health before considering dental implant placement.

Uncontrolled Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or immune deficiencies may impair healing and increase the risk of implant-related complications. Patients with poorly controlled medical conditions may need to stabilise their health before undergoing implant treatment.

Smoking and Tobacco Use: Smoking and tobacco use can impair healing, reduce blood flow to the gums and jawbone, and increase the risk of implant failure. Smokers are advised to quit smoking before undergoing implant treatment to improve implant success rates.

Pregnancy: Pregnant women may be advised to postpone dental implant treatment until after childbirth due to hormonal changes and potential risks to fetal development. It is generally recommended to avoid elective dental procedures during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary.

Young Age: Dental implants are typically not recommended for children or adolescents whose jawbones are still developing. However, implants may be considered for young adults once jawbone growth is complete.

Certain Medications: Some medications, such as bisphosphonates used to treat osteoporosis, may affect bone metabolism and healing, increasing the risk of implant-related complications. Patients taking these medications should discuss their suitability for dental implant treatment with their healthcare provider.

Active Cancer Treatment: Patients undergoing active cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy to the head or neck region, may have compromised immune function and impaired healing. Dental implant treatment may be deferred until after completion of cancer therapy.

Psychological Considerations: Patients with severe dental anxiety, or psychological conditions that may impact their ability to comply with post-operative care instructions may prefer not to embark with dental implant treatment.

Overall, the decision to undergo dental implant treatment should be based on a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified dentist or oral surgeon, taking into account the patient's oral health status, medical history, and treatment goals. By carefully assessing individual needs and considerations, the dental team can determine the most appropriate treatment plan for each patient.

What is the criteria for dental implant treatment?

Several criteria are considered when determining if a patient is a suitable candidate for dental implants. These criteria help ensure the success of the implant treatment and include:

Sufficient Bone Volume: Adequate bone volume and density in the jawbone are essential for successful implant placement and osseointegration. Patients with significant bone loss may require bone grafting procedures to augment the bone before implant placement.

Good Oral Health: Patients should have good oral health, including healthy gums and teeth, to support the success of dental implants. Periodontal disease or untreated dental infections can increase the risk of implant failure and complications.

Overall Health: Patients should be in good overall health and able to tolerate oral surgery. Certain medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or immune deficiencies may affect healing and increase the risk of implant-related complications.

Smoking Cessation: Smokers are at higher risk of implant failure and complications due to impaired healing and reduced blood flow to the gums and jawbone. Patients may be advised to quit smoking before undergoing implant treatment to improve implant success rates.

Commitment to Oral Hygiene: Patients should be committed to maintaining good oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, to prevent peri-implantitis and preserve implant health.

Stable Bite: Patients should have a stable occlusion (bite) with no significant bite abnormalities or excessive forces on the implants. Occlusal adjustments may be necessary to ensure proper implant function and longevity.

Realistic Expectations: Patients should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of dental implant treatment, including the time involved, the potential risks and benefits, and the costs associated with the procedure.

Age: While age alone is not a contraindication for dental implants, older adults should be in good overall health and have adequate bone density to support implant placement. Age-related factors such as hormonal changes and medication use may affect implant success and healing.

Medical History: A comprehensive medical history review is necessary to identify any underlying medical conditions, medications, or previous surgeries that may impact implant treatment. Patients with a history of radiation therapy to the head or neck region may have compromised bone healing and may require special considerations for implant placement.

Patient Preferences: Patient preferences, concerns, and treatment goals should be considered when planning implant treatment. Alternative tooth replacement options may be discussed based on patient preferences, lifestyle factors, and financial considerations.

By carefully evaluating these criteria, we can help you develop a bespoke treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.

What is bone grafting?

Bone grafting is required in implant surgery when there is either a deficiency in the quality and/or quantity of bone as assessed from a CBCT scan. In such cases supplementary bone particles are used to support, strengthen and supplement the missing voids in the jaw bone present whilst the implant is placed. This bone grafting material is usually derived with either a) bovine, b) Human or c) synthetic sources. Bone grafting is carried out in approx. 50% of all implant placements and can either be done 3-4 months prior to the surgical implant placement (in severe cases) or at the same time as the placement of the implant (in simpler cases).

There are certain situations in which bone grafting will almost always be required and these are for immediate dental Implants and Sinus lifts.

How to speed up bone graft healing?

Speeding up dental bone graft healing is crucial for successful dental implantation. Here are some strategies that can help accelerate the healing process:

Follow Post-Operative Instructions: Your dentist or oral surgeon will provide specific post-operative instructions tailored to your procedure. Follow these instructions carefully, including any recommendations for oral hygiene, diet, and activity restrictions.

Manage Discomfort: Take any prescribed pain medications as directed to manage discomfort and reduce inflammation. Over-the-counter pain relievers may also be recommended, but always consult your dentist or surgeon before taking any medication.

Maintain Oral Hygiene: Keeping the surgical site clean is essential for preventing infection and promoting healing. Follow your dentist's instructions for oral hygiene, which may include gentle brushing and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash.

Avoid Disturbing the Graft Site: Avoid touching or disturbing the graft site with your tongue or fingers. Be cautious when eating to prevent food particles from getting lodged in the surgical area.

Quit Smoking: Smoking can impair blood flow and delay healing. If you smoke, quitting or at least reducing smoking can significantly improve healing outcomes.

Nutritious Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals that support bone health, such as calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C, and protein. Consider incorporating foods like dairy products, leafy greens, citrus fruits, lean meats, and nuts.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, which is essential for overall health and optimal healing.

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine: Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption, as they can interfere with healing and may increase the risk of complications.

Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your dentist or oral surgeon. They will monitor your healing progress and address any concerns or complications promptly.

Remember to consult with your dentist or oral surgeon for personalised advice and recommendations tailored to your specific situation. They can provide guidance based on the type of bone graft performed and your overall oral health.

What is a sinus lift?

A sinus lift, or sinus augmentation, is a surgical procedure that adds bone to the upper jaw between the jaw and the maxillary sinuses, which are located on either side of the nose. This procedure is typically performed when there is insufficient bone height in the back of the upper jaw to support dental implants.

During the procedure, the sinus membrane is lifted, and bone graft material is inserted into the space created. This bone graft material helps promote new bone growth, increasing the height and density of the bone in the posterior maxilla.

Sinus lifts are commonly performed by oral surgeons or specialist periodontists and are a routine and effective way to create a stable foundation for dental implants in patients with inadequate bone volume.

What are the differences between single and multiple dental implants?

The primary difference between single and multiple dental implants lies in the number of missing teeth being replaced and the corresponding treatment approach:

Single Dental Implants:

  • Single dental implants are used to replace a single missing tooth.
  • The procedure involves the surgical placement of a single implant fixture into the jawbone, which serves as an artificial tooth root.
  • Once the implant integrates with the jawbone (osseointegration), an abutment and a dental crown are attached to the implant to complete the restoration.
  • Single dental implants provide a durable and natural-looking solution for replacing individual missing teeth, restoring both function and aesthetics to the smile.

Multiple Dental Implants:

  • Multiple dental implants are used to replace two or more missing teeth in close proximity or within the same dental arch.
  • The treatment approach for multiple implants can vary depending on factors such as the number and location of missing teeth, bone quality, and patient preferences.
  • In some cases, each missing tooth may be replaced with its own individual implant, abutment, and crown, similar to single implants.
  • Alternatively, multiple missing teeth may be replaced using implant-supported dental bridges or implant-supported dentures, where several implants are strategically placed to support a bridge or denture that spans across multiple missing teeth.
  • Multiple dental implants offer a stable and reliable solution for replacing multiple missing teeth, providing improved chewing ability, speech, and aesthetics compared to traditional removable prosthetics.

In summary, the main distinction between single and multiple dental implants lies in the number of missing teeth being replaced and the corresponding treatment approach. Both single and multiple dental implants offer effective solutions for restoring a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile, with the treatment plan tailored to the individual patient's needs and circumstances.

Why are dental implants so expensive?

Several factors contribute to the cost of dental implants, making them relatively expensive compared to other tooth replacement options. Here is why dental implants are often costly:

Surgical Procedure: Dental implant placement is a surgical procedure that requires specialised training, equipment, and facilities. Oral surgeons or periodontists perform the surgery, which adds to the overall cost.

Implant Materials: Dental implants are typically made of biocompatible materials such as titanium, which is durable and compatible with the body. The quality and type of implant material used can impact the cost. There are over 1300 implant systems on the market which all differ in terms of quality of the product, the range of implant sizes and shapes available, the research and development of the implant manufacturer, how long the company has been around for, the track record of the implant itself and much more. The costs of each thus varies based on the above factors – it really is a matter of “you get what you pay for”. You also want to have the assurance that should complications arise in future then the implant company who has manufactured your implant will still be in existence many years later and the component parts will still be available to remedy any future issues. At Zental, we only use implant systems from the leading dental implant manufacturers.

Customisation: Each dental implant treatment is bespoke to the individual patient's needs and circumstances. This includes factors such as the number of implants required, the type of restoration (crown, bridge, denture), and any additional procedures like bone grafting or sinus lifts.

Laboratory Costs: The fabrication of custom-made dental restorations, such as crowns or dentures, involves specialised laboratory work. Skilled technicians create prosthetic teeth that match the patient's natural teeth in size, shape, and color, which adds to the cost.

Additional Procedures: In some cases, patients may require additional procedures such as bone grafting, sinus lifts, or extractions to prepare the jawbone for implant placement. These supplementary procedures can increase the overall cost of treatment.

Long-Term Benefits: While the initial cost of dental implants may seem high, they offer long-term benefits such as durability, functionality, and aesthetics. Compared to other tooth replacement options like bridges or dentures, implants are often considered a worthwhile investment due to their longevity and natural feel.

Overall, while dental implants may be more expensive upfront, many patients find that the long-term benefits and improved quality of life justify the cost.

Is it safe to have dental implant treatment abroad?

Dental tourism has become a popular choice for many UK patients due to the rising cost of dental care in the UK. Dental implants in turkey regularly market their services to UK patients, as do dental clinics across the European Union (EU).

At Zental, we regularly review dental implant treatment conducted in Turkey and elsewhere. Although some patients have had successful procedures, we regularly encounter procedures that have failed. The risk of having dental implant treatment abroad are high as any complications requires you to travel back to the country to resolve issues. In the event dental implant treatment abroad fails, the remedial cost of dental treatment in the UK will most likely be considerably higher than had you originally had the treatment conducted in the UK.

To ensure safety when getting dental implants abroad, patients should:

  1. Research and choose a reputable dental clinic with a track record of successful outcomes.
  2. Verify the qualifications and experience of the dental professionals performing the procedure.
  3. Inquire about the clinic's adherence to international standards of care and sterilisation protocols.
  4. Verify the brand of implant system being used.
  5. Ask for examples of final laboratory
  6. Schedule a consultation to discuss the treatment plan, address any concerns, and ensure compatibility with the proposed approach.
How do I take care of dental implants?

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Floss or use interdental brushes to clean around the implants and remove plaque.

Regular Dental Check-Ups: Visit your dentist for routine check-ups and professional cleanings to monitor the health of your implants and gums. Regular dental exams help detect any issues early on and ensure optimal oral health.

Avoid Tobacco Products: Smoking and tobacco use can increase the risk of implant complications. Quitting smoking or reducing tobacco intake promotes better healing and long-term success of dental implants.

Protect Against Teeth Grinding: Wear a custom-made night guard if you grind or clench your teeth. This protects your implants and natural teeth from excessive force, reducing the risk of damage.

Watch Your Diet: Be mindful of what you eat to avoid damaging your implants. Limit hard, sticky, or chewy foods and opt for a balanced diet rich in nutrients to support oral health.

Exercise Caution: Refrain from using your implants to bite or chew on hard objects. Avoid habits like chewing ice or using teeth as tools to prevent damage to the implant components.

Promptly Address Concerns: Contact your dentist if you experience pain, swelling, or other unusual symptoms around your implants. Early intervention helps resolve issues and ensures the longevity of your implants.

Follow Post-Operative Instructions: Adhere to any post-operative instructions provided by your dentist after implant surgery. This may include taking prescribed medications, avoiding certain foods, and practicing gentle oral care.

By following these tips and maintaining regular dental care, you can ensure the health and longevity of your dental implants. If you have specific concerns or questions about implant care, consult your dental provider for personalised guidance.

How long does it take to recover from dental implant treatment?

Recovery time after dental implant treatment varies depending on factors such as procedure complexity and individual healing. Typically, recovery spans a few days to several months. Here's a general overview:

Immediate Post-Operative Period: Patients may experience discomfort, swelling, and minor bleeding for a few days after surgery. Pain medication and rest are advised.

First Week: Swelling gradually decreases, and patients transition to a soft diet. Oral hygiene is crucial during this period.

First Few Weeks: Continued healing, with sutures possibly removed during follow-up appointments. Patients should stick to soft foods and attend scheduled check-ups.

Several Months: Osseointegration, the fusion of implant with bone, occurs during this time. Patients avoid activities that stress implants until they're fully integrated.

Long-Term: Once osseointegration is complete, patients resume normal activities. Regular dental check-ups are essential for implant health.

Following post-operative instructions and attending follow-up appointments are vital for successful recovery and optimal implant outcomes.

What happens after dental implant procedure is completed?

After the dental implant procedure is completed, several essential steps follow to ensure optimal healing and long-term success:

Immediate Post-Operative Care: Patients receive detailed post-operative instructions to manage discomfort, swelling, and bleeding. Medications such as pain relievers and antibiotics may be prescribed as needed.

Healing and Recovery: Patients undergo a healing period during which the surgical site undergoes tissue repair and osseointegration, the process of the implant fusing with the jawbone. Following a soft diet and avoiding strenuous activities can aid in healing.

Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor healing progress, remove sutures if necessary, and assess implant stability. These appointments are crucial for ensuring proper healing and early detection of any issues.

Temporary Prosthesis: In some cases, a temporary prosthetic restoration may be provided to maintain function and aesthetics while the implants heal. This temporary restoration is later replaced with a permanent one.

Final Prosthetic Restoration: Once osseointegration is complete and the implants are stable, the final prosthetic restoration (crown, bridge, or denture) is fabricated and attached to the implants. This restoration is customised to match the patient's natural teeth for a seamless smile.

Ongoing Maintenance: Patients receive guidance on proper oral hygiene practices to care for their implants and surrounding tissues. Regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings are essential for long-term implant success.

Long-Term Follow-Up: Patients are encouraged to maintain regular dental visits for routine maintenance and monitoring of implant health. With proper care, dental implants can provide a durable and functional solution for tooth replacement.

Effective communication between the patient and dental provider is key throughout this process to address any concerns and ensure treatment success. By following post-operative instructions and attending scheduled appointments, patients can enjoy the benefits of their dental implants for years to come.

How long will dental implant treatment take?

Typically treatment will take between 4-6 months from start to finish. Most of this time is allow the implants to fully integrate and fuse with your bone. In the meantime you can wear your existing denture over the top of the healing implants as a short term measure or we can make a new temporary denture for you whilst healing takes place.


Suzanna had a complex, dental implant procedure with a UK dentist in 2019. Sadly, her experience was traumatic and the result she was promised fell dramatically short of her expectations. She decided to visit Zental Dental Barnet in London and met with the highly skilled and dedicated team of Dr Ihsaan Al-Hadad. Suzanna shares her brave story and explains why she continues to Trust in Calm with Zental.


Suzanna had a complex, dental implant procedure with a UK dentist in 2019. Sadly, her experience was traumatic and the result she was promised fell dramatically short of her expectations. She decided to visit Zental Dental Barnet in London and met with the highly skilled and dedicated team of Dr Ihsaan Al-Hadad. Suzanna shares her brave story and explains why she continues to Trust in Calm with Zental.

Suzanna's Story

Suzanna had a complex, dental implant procedure with a UK dentist in 2019. Sadly, her experience was traumatic and the result she was promised fell dramatically short of her expectations. She decided to visit Zental Dental Barnet in London and met with the highly skilled and dedicated team of Dr Ihsaan Al-Hadad. Suzanna shares her brave story and explains why she continues to Trust in Calm with Zental.

Suzanna had a complex, dental implant procedure with a UK dentist in 2019. Sadly, her experience was traumatic and the result she was promised fell dramatically short of her expectations. She decided to visit Zental Dental Barnet in London and met with the highly skilled and dedicated team of Dr Ihsaan Al-Hadad. Suzanna shares her brave story and explains why she continues to Trust in Calm with Zental.

Suzanna's Story

Marianne had a bad experience with her dentist at a young age. Sadly, this altered her relationship with the dentist during adulthood. She decided to visit Zental in Cricklewood, London and undergo comprehensive treatment. Marianne shares her brave story and explains why she chose Zental.


Marianne had a bad experience with her dentist at a young age. Sadly, this altered her relationship with the dentist during adulthood. She decided to visit Zental in Cricklewood, London and undergo comprehensive treatment. Marianne shares her brave story and explains why she chose Zental.

Marianne's Story

Marianne had a bad experience with her dentist at a young age. Sadly, this altered her relationship with the dentist during adulthood. She decided to visit Zental in Cricklewood, London and undergo comprehensive treatment. Marianne shares her brave story and explains why she chose Zental.

Marianne had a bad experience with her dentist at a young age. Sadly, this altered her relationship with the dentist during adulthood. She decided to visit Zental in Cricklewood, London and undergo comprehensive treatment. Marianne shares her brave story and explains why she chose Zental.

Marianne's Story

Abdul Hakim had a difficult experience with the dentist at a young age which altered his confidence and wellbeing in adulthood. As a consequence, he became fearful of visiting the dentist. He eventually found the courage to visit Zental when his oral health deteriorated. Abdul Hakim  embarked on "All on 4" - 'Teeth in a Day treatment'.  Abdul Hakim shares his brave story and explains why he continues to Trust in Calm with Zental.


Abdul Hakim had a difficult experience with the dentist at a young age which altered his confidence and wellbeing in adulthood. As a consequence, he became fearful of visiting the dentist. He eventually found the courage to visit Zental when his oral health deteriorated. Abdul Hakim  embarked on "All on 4" - 'Teeth in a Day treatment'.  Abdul Hakim shares his brave story and explains why he continues to Trust in Calm with Zental.

Abdel Hakim's Story

Abdul Hakim had a difficult experience with the dentist at a young age which altered his confidence and wellbeing in adulthood. As a consequence, he became fearful of visiting the dentist. He eventually found the courage to visit Zental when his oral health deteriorated. Abdul Hakim  embarked on "All on 4" - 'Teeth in a Day treatment'.  Abdul Hakim shares his brave story and explains why he continues to Trust in Calm with Zental.

Abdul Hakim had a difficult experience with the dentist at a young age which altered his confidence and wellbeing in adulthood. As a consequence, he became fearful of visiting the dentist. He eventually found the courage to visit Zental when his oral health deteriorated. Abdul Hakim  embarked on "All on 4" - 'Teeth in a Day treatment'.  Abdul Hakim shares his brave story and explains why he continues to Trust in Calm with Zental.

Abdel Hakim's Story

Meet the experts who will treat you

Mr Ihsaan Al-Hadad
Chief Clinical Officer
Dr Mohamed Kassam
Implant Surgeon, Sedationist
BDS (Hons), MJDFRCS (2012), PG Dip Con Sed (Lon), PG Cert Ortho (Lon)
Dr Sunil Mangla
Implant Surgeon, Sedationist
BDS, PG Cert Sed(Lon), PG Dip Oral Surg RCS(Eng) MSc Dental Implants
Dr Beena Assani
Implant Surgeon
BDS (Hons), MJDF RCS(Eng)
Dr Abdul Rehman Rashid
Implants, Oral surgery, Orthodontics
BDS PgCert (Implantology)
Dr. Pramit Patel
General Dentist & Implant Surgeon
BDS, PgCert (Implantology)

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